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2022.05.119:00 AM BST / 10:00 AM CESTNews

Doconomy co-founder Johan Pihl receives the honorary Platinum Award

The Platinum award is awarded by the Platinum Academy and is to be regarded as the Swedish communication industry’s hall of fame. This year, Johan Pihl, Co-Founder of Doconomy will receive the award and thus a place in the academy.

STOCKHOLM, May 11, 2022 — One person per year is awarded a life time seat in the The Platina Academy. This is the finest honor limited to a very small group of people that has made exceptional ideas come true, time over time over time. The Platinum Award is appointed by the Platinum Academy, which was founded in 1991 with the task of inspiring and promoting quality in Swedish advertising, design and communication. The members of the Academy consist of Platinum award winners (awarded since 1975) – individual creators (art directors, copywriters, designers, filmmakers, photographers, illustrators, etc.) who over time with courage, talent and uniqueness have contributed more than others to the development of commercial communication.

Johan’s previous work has been built on exploring new business models at the intersection of design, technology, and business, resulting in tangible solutions strengthening both profit and purpose. Johan has successfully developed and launched innovation projects such as; The Natalia Project 2014, Åland Index 2016, The Humanium Metal Initiative 2016, DO Black 2019, and The 2030 Calculator 2020. He has consistently produced work that has been recognized by global media and has received 100+ industry awards.

In addition to this, Johan was also awarded a lifetime seat in the Platina Academy. This is the finest honor within the Advertising industry in Sweden, limited to a very small group of people who have made exceptional ideas come true, time over time.

The Platinum Academy Jury:

“There was a time when great communication was primarily about image, form, language, and of course, based on strong ideas and genuine commercial understanding. This year’s recipient of the Platinum award recipient has all of these skills in his toolbox. But the laureate has shown that today’s communication can also be a carrier of so much more, evidently; the keys to a better world. Through idea-driven innovation, where technology is combined with business model development and launched with powerful communication, the world has been endowed with projects spanning from the protection of human rights defenders to useful tools for mindful consumption. The four-time consecutive Grand Prix winner at Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is obvious confirmation that this is a creative of a most unusual caliber. Our award is proof of the deepest respect from the Platinum Academy. Welcome Johan Pihl!” 

“As I am deeply honored... innovation is not a one-man band, is only possible through close collaboration with extremely dedicated and talented people, so my deepest gratitude goes out to the large number of people that have contributed to our success over the years.”

Johan Pihl, CINO and Co-Founder of Doconomy

"Using your talent to do fantastic things is great but using it to do fantastic things helping others is greater and Johan’s every effort is a testament to that statement. The curse of great talent is making your efforts seem easy. It is not. It is hard work and even more hard work. But the positive effects make every minute worth it, and this award has never been awarded a more deserving person."

Mathias Wikström, CEO and Co-Founder of Doconomy and Johan Pihl's long-time creative partner

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