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2022.01.208:00 AM BST / 9:00 AM CESTNews

Ascent Partners debuts Doconomy’s award-winning methodology “Åland Index” in Hong Kong and Mainland China

Ascent Partners Group Limited is proud to announce today that it is the first sustainability advisory firm to roll out the game-changing, impact calculations methodology Åland Index from Swedish Doconomy.

STOCKHOLM, January 20, 2022 — The Åland Index was developed in 2016 and is taken to a broader market by Swedish impact tech pioneer Doconomy. This innovative, unique CO2 impact calculator instantly gained richly deserved recognition by scooping the Grand Prix in the Cyber category at the 2017 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

Among its admired features, its practical, worldwide application has been immediately demonstrated. As of today, Doconomy is in partnerships with more than 25 banks and financial institutions representing over 500 million users. The Doconomy partnerships spans the world and contains a variety of institutions as United Nations, Mastercard, WWF, to mention a few.

"Reducing the climate crisis cannot be achieved by one single person or company alone. It must be a mission undertaken by everyone and every company around the world. Doconomy has been committed to finding like-minded partners. As of today, companies representing more than 500 million users are collaborating with Doconomy to enable individuals to start to understand their behaviours’ climate impact. We see great potential in Hong Kong and Mainland China and we are grateful to be in partnership with the Ascent Partners, which allows Doconomy and Åland Index to broaden our reach here and together we can contribute more to carbon reduction.”

Mathias Wikström, CEO and Co-Founder of Doconomy

“Covid-19 inspires change in consumers’ sustainable behaviour. Moreover, environmental concerns keep rising steeply. More and more people around the world are willing to consume with less of a carbon footprint. Hence, we are honoured to be the first sustainability advisory firm authorized by Doconomy to introduce the Åland Index to Hong Kong and Mainland China. We believe that this Index can be applied to a variety of financial institutions with payment systems, as it uses a merchant code of the payment system to quantify the carbon footprint.
Ascent Partners has an environment-focused DNA. My partners and I have acquired extensive and solid environmental backgrounds and work experiences. The ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) mindset serves as our company’s guiding principle. With the Doconomy Åland Index, we can educate our clients to discover how every single one of their purchasing decisions can make a positive impact on the climate, help to change the world, and save the planet.”

Simon Mak, Co-founder and CEO of Ascent Partners and also the former CEO of Friends of the Earth (HK).

About Ascent Partners

Ascent Partners, a trusted corporate valuation and advisory firm with offices in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Singapore, serves more than 400 leading corporate clients (such as AIA and BOC) including more than 50 listed companies on ESG reporting.

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